Self-exploration in logotherapy

Engaging in self-exploration truly complements logotherapy training. This doesn't have to be seen as contradictory.

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Frankl never intended for introspection or self-centeredness. He rejected the common practice of prolonged self-focus prevalent during his time.

Elisabeth Lukas developed a unique form of logotherapeutic self-exploration, distinct from conventional methods. It closely aligns with the theoretical foundations of logotherapy endorsed by Frankl himself. Compared to traditional self-exploration, Lukas‘ approach introduces three entirely new concepts:


  1. It begins with exploring life before and after our own, integrating both into biographical work.
  2. It considers not only what has happened to me but also what has happened because of me, emphasizing human responsibility.
  3. It doesn’t solely dwell on the negative but also highlights the positive, particularly the meaningful aspects.

This represents a significant departure from traditional self-exploration.

Only certified logotherapists are admitted to this guided biographical work. They must be psychologically stable and well-versed in logotherapeutic thinking.


The course comprises 10 group sessions, each lasting 4 hours, spread over one year.

This is what our participants say

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U. Schweinfurth

In my opinion, the semester is well structured with 40 chapters. Since I had my own recordings, I could see how little the online format differs from the face-to-face event. Theoretical explanations are also illustrated here with examples, and personal encounters and impressions are reflected, making what is presented seem lively. The only thing that is no longer necessary is to ask personal questions for understanding. However, this is compensated by the possibility of interrupting passages and listening to what happened before again. Being able to integrate the “lecture time” into my everyday life makes it easy for me to pursue further training or qualifications alongside my job and family.

Roland Preußl

Philosopher and theologian, pastoral speaker

Viktor E. Frankl's original logotherapy is now carried out without any time constraints and at the highest level according to the curriculum of Prof. h. c. Dr. phil. habil. Elisabeth Lukas submitted. Miss Dr. Schönfeld and Alexander Vesely, Viktor E. Frankl's grandson, offer the unique opportunity to access the original sources of logotherapy through their video course. Your professional competence is reflected not only in the excellent knowledge of logotherapy in theory, but also in the bridges to therapeutic practice.”

Katja Langer


The online logotherapy course based on the teachings of Victor E. Frankl enriches my everyday life and is available online at any time and from anywhere. It is an indispensable support for my personal development as well as for my everyday professional life as an entrepreneur, in the management of employees and the people-oriented orientation of the company. Through Ms. Dr. Schönfeld's catchy and very understandable communication of the content, connections and many examples of the practical application and implementation of logotherapy. The online format allows me to engage with the current content as often as I want. Again and again, one or two lessons bring me back down to earth and realities and I immediately succeed in implementing the understood facts when answering life's questions when it is necessary. The online course also makes it really easy to stick with it and not lose track of what's important in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. In my opinion, of all possible decisions, dealing with logotherapy is always the right one.
Thank you for the offer and the possibilities!

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